English / ქართული / русский /
Nana Menabdishvili


There are different factors that determine the family well-being. One of them is the economic sphere. It does not really play a minor role in the emotional relationships of spouses. Any family faces the problems of solving such important issues as: the consumption of social production; the organization of family financial-consumer and economic issues; The creation of satisfactory economic foundation for the various needs of family members; The provision of housing issues; The ensuring descendants; The capital accumulation and production. Each family manages to solve these issues differently because of their individuality.


The total income of families of respondents freely or fully meets the needs of only a small part of families, and the number of those who are dissatisfied with family income is 6.7 times higher than the number of satisfied.

For a successful marriage it’s necessary the coordination of both - the needs of married couples and the individual needs. If there is no such mutual agreement in the family, there will certainly be disagreements and conflicts. The respondents named the economic issues in the second place among the main causes of dissatisfaction between the spouses. A quarter of men and women note that the main cause of dissatisfaction in their families are the economic issues. Although this figure has decreased 2.6 times compared to the end of the last century, it does not give grounds for reassurance as the most respondents name the financial conditions as a cause of divorce (49.5%)


The marriage age has recently increased in Georgia. The factors such as an income, the housing issues, the employment, play an important role in the postponing the starting of the family. 43.2% of the respondents associate the delay in marriage with the financial status, 39% - with employment and 33% - with the living conditions. Studies confirm that a man cannot marry because of his financial conditions, and the woman is expecting to improve the financial position by the marriage. Such a situation may lead to the postponement of marriage for an indefinite period, or after the starting of a family, will cause a conflict among couples when the expectations are not met.

Some couples cannot start an independent life because they depend on their parents. This also leads to their legal dependence.